Finding a grounded swift.

  • If you find a grounded swift, the most important thing is to ensure it’s safety by gently picking it up and placing it in a box, then closing the lid so as not to stress it.

  • The next step is to get in touch with an expert. Swifts are extremely tricky to care for and being insectivores, they require a special diet.

Comprehensive advice can be found below:

Why do swifts sometimes need our help?

  • A common problem for recently rescued swifts is dehydration. You can help by stroking a wetted cotton bud around its bill, avoiding the nostrils. A small pinch of sugar or glucose in the water can also help.

  • Grounded swifts are often fledglings that have fallen out of the nest and because they can’t fly, they will need fostering. Occasionally an adult will be grounded and may need rehabilitating.